Getting Started with the InSight User Interface



The InSight User Interface allow you to search for and connect to InSight-Enabled Stores, retrieve Store Details, Controller Properties, CPU Usage statisticsand Terminal Lists. The InSight UI allows you to Remote Control the Terminaland Monitor the Terminal Devices, monitor Device Statistics, retrieve Terminal Propertiesand Device List, access Service Functionsand review Terminal Histories.



Creating a Store Selector List


In order to connect to InSight-Enabled Stores you must first have a Store Selector List. You can start by doing one of the following:




Opening a Store View 


After you have your Store Selector List populated with your list of InSight-Enabled Stores you are ready to Connect to a Storeand Open a Store View.   The Store View contains Store Details, Controller Properties, CPU Usage statisticsand Terminal Lists.



Opening a Terminal View


The Store View has a Terminal Listthat identifies those Terminals that are Monitorable (as noted with a green ‘M’). To Open a Terminal View do one of the following:


-           This will open the Terminal in Monitor mode.

-           This will open the Terminal in Remote Control mode.


You can change between Remote Control and Monitor modes in the Tasks section of the Terminal View. To use the Service Functions, enter Keys and change the Manager Key Position you must be in Remote Control mode.



More Details on InSight User Interface Components


For more detail on each of the InSight User Interface Components see the following sections :




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