Store Tasks and Details



The two groups in the lower section of the Task Panel are the Store Tasks and the Store Details.



Store Tasks


  1. Connect- Attempt to connect to a Store that is highlighted in either the Store Selector List or the Current Find Server List.
  2. Edit Store Details- Open the Store List Edit Dialog to a highlighted entry in the Store Selector List.
  3. Delete Store Entry- Remove an entry from the Store Selector List.





Store Details


This group lists some of the Store Details for a highlighted Store Selector List entry or a highlighted Current Find Server List entry. In this example we see that the highlighted entry is Store 140, with a description of “An InSight-Enabled Store”. Hostname is “pciloop”, Region is “Northeast”, Banner is “Banner 2”, City / State is “Newark, NJ”, IP Address is, and Controller Node is CC.


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