4690 Controller Installation



Installation Procedure


InSight controller installation is accomplished by running the self-extracting installation program INSIGHTI.286 on the acting master controller. Installation is easiest if all other nodes are active at the time of installation.


The user can install InSight on the master controller either directly from an installation diskette or by copying the installation file, INSIGHTI.286, to the controller hard drive.  With the file location as a default folder, type:




After controller installation or update, the terminals must be reloaded to activate the InSight terminal agent.



Verifying Status after Installation


To verify installation, run the InSight Controller Utility as follows:


qsa_bin:insight -status


The output of this command on each controller should show both terminal and controller agents enabled and running.  Note: the terminal agents will not be active until the terminal is re-ip’d.



Verifying Installation to All Nodes


To verify proper installation to all nodes, use the following command from the acting master controller:


qsa_bin:insight -installVerify


To fix any installation problems, use:


qsa_bin:insight -installVerifyFix



  Additional Information


·          Controller Installation Notes

·          Summary of Steps Taken by Self-Installer

·          Disk and Memory Requirements

·          Firewall Configuration When Installing on CSF

·          Unicast TCC/IP Feature Installation



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