

int IDA_InitRequest(ubyte function, uint getBulkMaxRepetitions);




[in] Type of IDA request to perform. Possible values are IDA_SET, IDA_GET, IDA_GET_NEXT, IDA_GET_BULK, IDA_GET_BULK_STOP_RE, IDA_GET_BULK_STOP_TE.


[in] For GET_BULK functions, specifies maximum number of instances returned for repeat variables. Ignored for other functions.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero.

If the function fails, the return value is non-zero.



This method is called to initialize an internal buffer for the IDA request. This call must be made before the IDA_VarBindBuild, IDA_RepeatVarBindBuild, and the IDA_SessionRequestcalls are made.

IDA_InitRequest is not needed prior to calling IDA_GetVars , IDA_SetVars , or IDA_EventDataWait.

The internal buffer used for building requests and receiving responses is allocated inside the IDA API library on a per-thread basis. Once IDA_InitRequest is called, no other threads should use IDA_VarBindBuild , IDA_RepeatVarBindBuild , IDA_GetVars , IDA_SetVars , or IDA_EventDataWaituntil IDA_SessionRequest is called.


rc =IDA_InitRequest(IDA_GET, 0);


See Also

IDA_VarBindBuild , IDA_SessionRequest , IDA_InitRequest , IDA_RepeatVarBindBuild

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