Manager Key



The Manager Key Display is located in the top, right section of the Keyboard Display.



Software On


In the following example the Manager Key is in the SOFTWARE ON position. The Software Manager Key can be turned on and off with the InSight UI while in Remote Control Mode.





Hardware On


And in this next example the Manager Key is in the HARDWARE ON position. The InSight UI cannot change the Manager Key position when the Hardware Manager Key is On.





Manager Key Events List


Manager Key Events are also added to the Events List.


In the example below we see that the Software Manager Key was turned on at 11:16:03. When a Software Manager Key is On and the Hardware Manager Key is turned On, as we see below at 11:16:08, the effect is to turn Off the Software Manager Key and turn On the Hardware Manager Key. It this respect the Hardware Manager Key overrides the Software Manager Key. This is also displayed graphically in the Software On and Hardware graphics above.





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