Device Channel Tracing



DChnW|S2|msec     826.439|11:39:26|SeqNum 28964|ID 02(xmit  )|Port 11|Addr 65|lCtrl ??|

       Command: 08=Transmit

    xmitdata 0000: 0232 392E 3130 3030 3037 3132 0323       * 29.10000712 #  *

DChnR|S2|msec     826.448|11:39:26|SeqNum 28967|ID 02(xmtACK)|Port 11|Addr 65|lCtrl n/a|

DChnR|S2|msec     826.466|11:39:26|SeqNum 28971|ID 01(recv  )|Port 11|Addr 65|lCtrl ea |

       StatusByte1: 50    StatusByte2: 46     CRC: D431

       StatusByte1: TimerOverFlow RcvBuff2NotEmpty

       StatusByte2: Initialized  RTS   DTS

    recvdata 0000: 06                                        *                *                


·          lCtrl is rs485 (sdlc) link control byte.  This is only available for recv frames unless low level tracing is enabled.

·          ‘xmtAck’ is notification that the 4690 device channel driver gives back to the upper layer driver (i.e. serial driver) that says that device has acknowledged receipt of the previous xmit.

·          SeqNum – this is an InSight terminal agent sequence number.  Every event put into any InSight history buffer increments the sequence number.  

·          Timestamp info.  A running millisecond timestamp is used to timestamp all trace entries.  Periodically (for example, at buffer wrap), the terminal agent also logs a date/time event to each of the trace queues.  The date/time event contains the clock date/time as well as the current msec timer value.  The formatter logs the msec time and the most recent clock date/time for each event.  

1.      Install InSight on the primary 4690 controller by running InSighti.286

2.      Reload terminal(s)

3.      Go to a 4690 command prompt and run qsa_bin:devchan.

4.      Page to the terminal you’d like to trace

5.      Press F7 to start printer device channel tracing

6.      Run transaction on a terminal

7.      When finished, press ESC.

1.      Review devchan.out file.

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