Device Operational Statistics and Adverse Event Information


Terminal Agent Details


On a per-device basis, the terminal agent allocates memory for its own mini-version of the operational statistics and adverse event tables. The terminal agent monitors and counts i/o operations between the application and devices and it tracks 4690 events generated by devices. For some devices, such as the 4610, it can use device specific internal statistics in generating operational and adverse event statistics.

So, for each device, the terminal ‘filter drivers’ are counting i/o events and tracking adverse events. Once a minute, on the minute, for all devices, a copy is made of the counts that have occurred during the past minute. 60 of these polling interval snapshots are kept. When its time (on the hour by default), a history row is generated and saved.

The terminal agent sends out the following events automatically:

1.        operational statistics info changed event every minute

2.        history row event every time a new history row is generated

3.        adverse event row event when new adverse info is generated

Generally, the controller agent keeps its own history rows and the terminal generates the non-history rows upon request from the controller. The terminal agent keeps its own limited set of history rows in order to handle cases where the controller agent is temporarily inaccessible to the terminal agent.

There are several commands from the controller agent supported by the terminal agent:

1.        send all history rows newer than time_t for all devices. Expected to be sent when term comes online to CA. Will result in 0 or more history row events from TA.

2.        send all adverse events rows newer than time_t for all devices Expected to be sent when term comes online to CA. Will result in 0 or more adverse event row events from TA.

3.        send operstat row x for dev or devs x (devMasks)

4.        send all non-history operstat rows for dev or devs x (devMasks)

5.        send all operstat rows for dev or devs x (devMasks) (used if history rows aren’t automatically sent to CA every hour).


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