DevChan Utility


·          QSA_BIN: - logical name for directory c:\qsa\bin

·          QSA_BIN:DEVCHAN.286 – utility that can be used to collect real-time device channel trace data.   Output goes to file devchan.out in current directory.  Note that a windows .EXE is also available as part of the InSight SDK. Related controller file information:

·          Example device channel trace output  from devchan.out file:


DChnW   Terminal: 001   MSEC:    115.934   DATALEN: 14    SEQNUM: 0880

       Serial2   ID: 02(xmit  )   PORT: 11    ADDR: 65   LCTRL: ??

       Command: 08=Transmit

  0000: 0230312E3030303030303030032C      *.01.00000000.,..*  S2XmitData


DChnR   Terminal: 001   MSEC:    115.939   DATALEN: 0    SEQNUM: 0883

       Serial2   ID: 02(xmtACK)   PORT: 11    ADDR: 65   LCTRL: n/a


DChnR   Terminal: 001   MSEC:    115.966   DATALEN: 1    SEQNUM: 0891

       Serial2   ID: 01(recv  )   PORT: 11    ADDR: 65   LCTRL: a0

       StatusByte1: 50    StatusByte2: 46     CRC: CE1E

       StatusByte1: TimerOverFlow RcvBuff2NotEmpty

       StatusByte2: Initialized  RTS   DTS

  0000: 06                                *................*  S2RecvData


·          DevChan screen snapshot:





1.      Install InSight on the primary 4690 controller by running InSighti.286

2.      Reload terminal(s)

3.      Go to a 4690 command prompt and run qsa_bin:devchan.

4.      Page to the terminal you’d like to trace

5.      Press F7 to start printer device channel tracing

6.      Run transaction on a terminal

7.      When finished, press ESC.

8.      Review devchan.out file.



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