Configuring TCCIP Support


If you intend to use the TCC/IP support provided for QVS Terminal Services or Terminal Concentrator terminals, you must edit the following file:


           qsa_dir:insight.cdi (qsa_dir: is c:\qsa\)


·          Using a text editor on the controller (either DREDIX or XE), modify the following parameter in the insight.cdi file as follows:


·          Save the file (it will be distributed to the alternate master, if one exists),

·          Re-boot the controller(s).



To verify proper installation and operation, the user can at any time type in the following command:

           qsa_bin:insight -status


You should see “Unicast TCCIP verified OK - port 4691” as shown in below:





It is further recommended that the following be done following any type of InSight installation to verify that there are no problems:


To verify proper installation to all nodes, use the following command:

           qsa_bin:insight -installVerify


To fix any installation problems, use

           qsa_bin:insight -installVerifyFix



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