Chapter 1. InSight Design and Programming Interfaces


InSight Design


The core InSight "system" is designed based on the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) systems management standard. SNMP is a widely deployed protocol and data model used to exchange management information between manager programs and managed devices. SNMP was chosen because of its simplicity and efficiency and because newer, more complex management models can be supported at a later time in parallel with SNMP support. Programmers of InSight user applications should become familiar with SNMP concepts of system management and MIB (Management Information Base) design and usage.


InSight consists of several key components that allow user access to managed device information. User applications interface with the controller agent. The controller agent resides on all store controllers and communicates with both user applications and terminal device agents. The data view from a user application is that all terminal data is viewed through the controller agent.


The InSight controller agent is a 32-bit multi-threaded application that supports multiple, simultaneous client sessions. Client sessions are anticipated to be both SNMP manager programs and applications written directly using the InSight Direct Access (IDA) APIs. The purpose of this documentation is to describe the IDA interface.


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