/* Keymap Sample for use with the Supermarket Application (SA) Filename: KEYMAP.000 This file must be installed on the store controller(s) in the ADX_UDT1 directory if the user plans to use a normal PC keyboard in place of either a POS or ANPOS keyboard. It allows the user to test without absolutely requiring the use of a real POS keyboard. The file will be named KEYMAP.000 if there is one translation for all such terminals in a given store. The file will be named KEYMAP.xxx if there is a need to have differing key mappings for different terminals within a given store. The "xxx" would represent individual 3-digit terminal numbers. Each terminal using virtual keyboards would have to have a KEYMAP file in the ADX_UDT1 directory of the store controller(s). Note 1: Forward slash and asterisk combinations are used to isolate comments. Note 2: S1 and S2 keys default to the F1 and F2 keys, respectively. Key translations are listed below. The user may add or modify as needed subject to the restrictions listed in this file. 4690 PC Application Key Key Code --- ----------- */ 0 = 48 /* NUMERIC 0 key */ 1 = 49 /* NUMERIC 1 key */ 2 = 50 /* NUMERIC 2 key */ 3 = 51 /* NUMERIC 3 key */ 4 = 52 /* NUMERIC 4 key */ 5 = 53 /* NUMERIC 5 key */ 6 = 54 /* NUMERIC 6 key */ 7 = 55 /* NUMERIC 8 key */ 8 = 56 /* NUMERIC 8 key */ 9 = 57 /* NUMERIC 9 key */ * = 78 /* slash key */ . = 61 /* SignOn key */ DEL = 73 /* clear key */ ENT = 80 /* Enter key */ z = 89 /* VIP Customer */ + = 81 /* Total key */ o = 79 /* override key */ r = 84 /* refund */ s = 82 /* Suspend/Resume */ v = 70 /* void key */ q = 75 /* quantity key */ w = 72 /* weight key */ n = 100 /* no sale key */ m = MGR_KEY /* Manager Key TOggle */ - = 91 /* cash key */ PGDN = 92 /* check key */ PGUP = 93 /* FS key */ a = 94 /* TNDR 4 key */ b = 95 /* TNDR 5 key */ c = 96 /* TNDR 6 key */ x = 90 /* verify account */ S-F1 = 201 /* dept 201 */ S-F2 = 202 /* dept 202 */ S-F3 = 203 /* dept 203 */ S-F4 = 204 /* dept 204 */ S-F5 = 205 /* dept 205 */ S-F6 = 206 /* dept 206 */ S-F7 = 207 /* dept 207 */ S-F8 = 208 /* dept 208 */ S-F9 = 209 /* dept 209 */